Friday, October 17, 2008

oh no! my littlebigplanet!

in all seriousness, this has got me feeling pretty cagey.

littlebigplanet has been delayed. and not a, 'the shipment was slow to canada' kind of delay where you wait one to three days to get a game they're already playing in the states or on illegally modded consoles.

it's delayed as in, you offended a giant portion of the world by including inflammatory passages from the q'ruan in the background music to your game.

that's right, in the background music to the first level of the third world (swinging safari) you can hear two selections from the religious book, something that muslims take as offensive.

according to Nsider's open letter to media molecule (producers' of littlebigplanet) via kotaku, they say that:

We Muslims consider the mixing of music and words from our Holy Quran deeply offending. We hope you would remove that track from the game immediately via an online update, and make sure that all future shipments of the game disk do not contain it.

as someone who's not muslim, far be it for me to weigh in on whether or not they should be reprinted, all i can say, is that as a littlebigplanet beta tester, next week is going to be a long one.

i was planning on making a design document for a few levels that i would start on tuesday but, according to shacknews, i'll be waiting another week after that to finally get my hands on a full version.

i'm sure i'm not the only one who will be sweating the extra week's wait. i just gotta pray that eb doesn't pull their usual nonsense with getting in my pre-ordered games late once the edited disks get shipped.

sadly without sackboy,


Friday, October 10, 2008


now i don't quite feel so bad for sucking at halo.

there's always a positive spin you can put on anything...


Tuesday, September 30, 2008

properly implemented achivements= sales?

this is probably the most interesting video games study i've heard of in a long while. it's not just some slapdash gathering of sales charts that compares microsoft to sony to nintendo made games, trying to figure out if master chief could out arm wrestle mario.

no, this breaks down whether or not the proper implementation of achievement points in a game, that reward the player just enough for their hard earned time and money, and tries to discern how much that affects their sales.

in fact, the study, featured on gamespot, seems to link games where developers spent time and effort developing incremental rewards with over 30 achievements (or trophies, if the ps3 is your bag) with better game sales.

as a rampant consumer of video games I can honestly say that this is not only one of the smarter uses of bar graphs that i've seen used to take apart game sales metrics, but also the most interesting study period.

yes, we know more girls are playing games than ever before, and old people like the wii. but proper implementation of a reward system to foster a relationship with the user and encourage them to not only see all the different aspects to your game, but show them that you appreciate their time. wow. didn't see that coming til i pulled it off my google reader.

bloggin' and loggin',


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

i don't even know what to think

so grand theft auto has been generally observed as a scapegoat for modern pontiffs of fear news (ie. 'video games are making our children kill/violent/eat human flesh, what can you do about it?').

just today i stumbled across this story on kotaku:

Grand Theft Auto Helps Preteen Save Family's Lives


well, that's certainly...good? i don't really know what to think about this one. i mean, great! she saved her families live potentially, but wtf? it's because of GTA? i thought kids weren't supposed to play that game?

maybe if she'd played burnout, she'd just be waiting for the car to reset on the road and reduced boost...

missin' the movies,


Thursday, August 28, 2008

downloadable games that don't suck

in the past, i've kind of ignored the downloadable games available to me with my three consoles, unless they're explicitly given to me for free and i test them for a couple days.

i played a couple capcom shooters (1942, wolf of the battlefield, the space one) and was left unimpressed. but recently there's been a spat of actually really good games that i find myself playing more than full disk titles. that is, until the next wave of killer games comes out; force unleashed, nhl 09, etc., etc.

here are a few i'm currently loving and a couple older ones that are great too:

bionic commando: rearmed (XBLA & PSN)

this one came out of left field for me because, admittedly, i'd barely played the NES original (read: never).

the swing mechanic (by which this title would succeed or epically fail) feels perfect and the combo of the incredibly inventive ways to kill the bosses, the upgradable and satisfyingly designed firepower with that perfect swinging makes for a game that feels like it could deserve a stand alone release.

this is a remake that doesn't feel like a remake (like all those frogger incarnations) and outdoes just about any other game on either psn or xbox live arcade right now. it's fun and has a free demo so check it out.

my only gripe= why is this not downloadable to PSP yet?

special note: pick up the PSN version if you have the option because it's much more fun to play with a proper d-pad and not the xbox's failed attempt

castle crashers (XBLA)

this nifty little game is barely out and the buzz around it is huge. it has one of the best multiplayer implementations out there in the arcade games and a tremendously addictive gameplay reminiscent of the old TMNT arcade games and double dragon style beat em ups.

the art style is wicked, there's cutesy blood and gore and really, most important of all, it's fun. it's not so challenging as to scare off new gamers (who don't love frustrating shoot em ups). it's just wacky and weird and violent and cool, it hits all my bases. i look forward to downloading the full version once i get together somewhat of a team to play through the full campaign with.

various boardgames and card games (XBLA)

the only ones i can truly recommend are UNO and carcassonne, and that's because they're fun, easy to pick up and great to play on live.

one thing to note, however, people are really talkative in the UNO rooms and to me, that's a good thing. if it's anything like when the game was available free on live back in last year, carcassonne is just full of people grinding out the 200 achievement points in complete silence. boring.

notable mentions

here are a few that might be worth your time, at least for a few seconds. they're not perfect and won't steal a ton of your time but they're cheap and quite fun, depending on how much you get in to them:

- geometry wars (1 or 2) (XBLA)
- super stardust HD (PSN)
- pain (PSN)
- soul calibur (XBLA)
- kirby's adventure (VC)

arcadin' and lovin' it,


Monday, August 25, 2008

must read: todd levin's history of 'his' gaming

this guy...this guy.

i don't know how to even phrase this, but i'd have to say that it enters the shortlist for this year's 'media that seems to have been written expressly for me'.

this dude knows how to write, and has a confidence in admitting a personality that i have slightly less confidence in admitting closely resembles my own.

consoles i have known was a multi-part chronicle of todd levin's adolescence and early adulthood through the gaming consoles he has owned, from the radioshack pong clone forwards.

it's funny, scathing and incredibly self-deprecating and surely worthy of the short bursts of attention required to get through the entire thing.

please give it a shot, especially if you ever found yourself in the unique position of not caring about sports or school dances but not having enough attention to even fit in with the magic card playing or D&D nerds.

laughing my way to the poor house,


Thursday, July 17, 2008

now that everyone and their mom has 4.1...


playstation has released their version of gamercards. see exhibit a in the right column.

they've also pushed back home again, as of E3 this week, but supposedly it will be worth the wait (and from what i've heard, it's looking quite a bit better than the beta did).

more news

more stuff has been happening, though, than the release of another inconsequential status symbol...

the wedding is in like two weeks, and i'm totally stoked for it. actually, at this point, i just want to get there and get it done. i mean, i'm going to have a great time, it's just that this has been a long process and i can't wait to hit the finish line.

oh, and we moved again. the new place is sweet though, even though i've been relegated to the psp since all my consoles are still packed up and most of the apartment is in boxes.


and speaking of changes, has anyone been kind of bored by this years' e3 announcements?

i mean, i know it's been tapering off for a couple years, but microsoft's biggest announcement was jumping on the gui redesign bandwagon (though i am a little excited for the fall update, but not at all for the 'avatars'), and sony really didn't have much to show.

all the games we saw were well known for a while, and i'm getting bored of nintendo announcing more and more casual games that i'll play for about a week. i mean, the wii motion plus looks neat, and 1:1 for the wii remote would be cool, but isn't this what the wii remote was supposed to be on launch?

2 years, and now they've built the perfect wiimote by plugging a chunk of plastic into the end?


anywho, off to a fab thursday (i'm sure),

your partner in crime,


Monday, July 7, 2008

i guess i'm the only one with ps3 firmware 2.40 now...

so this is an unofficial test drive as no one else seems to have the 2.40 firmware since it was recalled shortly after being released.

i downloaded it with no complications the morning of so here are my impressions.

to be completely honest, the list of things it can't do is as long as my arm, and if you're expecting xbox live level of usefulness and interactivity, prepare for disappointment.

short list of fails:

- no access to ps store in game
- can't stream music in game (but can play music on the console hard drive)
- can only play music in games that support it

they've also introduced an achievement trophy system. to put it bluntly, so far, it's completely safe to call it half-cocked.

i got ahold of a copy of super stardust hd (don't let anyone else tell you different, this is the only game that currently supports them) and not only is the sound kind of lame (nothing compared to the now classic xbox *bing*) but everything about it is low-key.

quiet unlock noise, small upper-right hand logo for trophy notification, and so far, they're all pretty hard. i think the balance of achivements is lacking, but again, this is only one games' impression worth, so take it with a grain of salt.



Wednesday, June 18, 2008

we're out of beta, we're releasing on time (ds download)

someone made an oh-so-delectable version of portal for the ds which is not only fun and intuitive to play with the stylus controls, but also supports customizable maps.

download the game and the map editor here.

it's called still alive ds and you can catch me playing it on the bus and subway from now until motion sickness kicks in.

still alive (mostly),


edit: you will need some way to mount this little bit of software to your ds, like an R4 or something like that. just don't go using it for pirating ds games! i'm sure they're all worth $40...

and the hits keep coming

a lot of people say there are three main stresses in life (not including children).

- Moving House
- Getting Married
- Changing Jobs

i think they should add maybe one more.

- Helping someone cope with changing jobs

if you haven't guessed already, jen is going through the top three, and me the top two and my suggested fourth.

we signed our lease monday night, so it's official, we are vacating the basement apartment that has caused us so much grief (mold, leaks, non-sealed windows for prime allergy attacks) but was so cheap, and moving on up to the southside.

it's certainly not a deluxe apartment in the sky, but it does have a private deck, which is rad. i'm definitely going to be getting my bbq on.

the wedding is coming up at an alarming rate, which really just means, oh shit, that's less than two months away, SNAP!

i'm not fearing it, or even sweating it, it's just odd that it's actually happening, kind of like how both gta iv and metal gear solid iv actually came out this year. bizzaro.

so really, right now, with jen moving from the cbc to the toronto star, and with a move planned for july 12, and a wedding for august 3rd, things are starting to heat up for us.

just hope everything goes as planned...

sweating the small stuff,


Monday, June 9, 2008

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

more updates to follow

i know i've been lax in my blogging (which i seem to find continual excuses and apologies for) but i've been a busy cat and i intend on ramping it up a bit now.

i have also managed to forget my blackberry today, so any unboxing or box shots of wii fit will have to wait until i have my phone back in my sweaty palms.

looking forward to checking it out tonight, giving my impressions tomorrow, and possibly doing a full GTA IV review for the blog since work farmed that review out to a freelancer.

fitting my wii (god, so many dirty sounding puns are created by this game),


newsy news

well, it happened.

i mean, two things happened to be precise. i guess it was three. aww f-it, i'll just start breaking it down.

1. video game deprevation therapy.

first, i took a week off from gaming. it's not a big deal, but i wasn't getting much sleep, i was getting fairly irritable and my hair was getting long. so i got a haircut, and left my xbox packed up for a full week.

2. dusted off wii.
then came the re-awakening of my interest in the wii.

it was just boom boom boom, with mario kart wii being actually a fun online wii game (go figure!), then boom blox with it's physics-based awesomeness and now i'm sitting beside an un-opened copy of wii fit.

i think i pissed off some people today, though, because i didn't pre-order it and i guess people were turned away in the morning at my local eb because they had no pre-orders.

i walked in at 11:45 and the manager (whom i've gotten to know) grabbed one for me. i mentioned my lack of pre-order (which is unlike me for big release games that i'm not sure i'll be getting) and she hesitated for a second and then said 'it's cool' and sold me one of her three non-pre-ordered copies.


jen will be chuffed.

3. playstation whatnow?

oh, and three, i'm breaking down and getting a ps3.

you see, they've bundled the larger harddrive, backwards compatible, 80GB version PS3 with a copy of metal gear solid 4 for $500 and i can get it shipped to me.

this means a guaranteed copy of mgs4 without having to worry about konami or lines and i can get a ps3 that will play ps2 games all for a not too steep price.

i will now be a three console giant who answers to no man, but still answers to one woman.

peace be the journey,


Monday, May 5, 2008

ranting: this is why games (and movies) get a bad rep

i know i've spoken out about this before, but this weekend, i was given a whole lot more fuel for my fire on parents (and retail stores) responsibility for children's media consumption.

that's a fancy way of saying, wtf parents?


jesus. with all the media coverage around gta iv, you'd think that hmv would have some sort of a talk with their employers to watch out for kids when selling the game. but no, that would be too easy.

the whole reason that people still listen to wingnuts like jack thompson is that kids are still able to (easily) get the game.

i was in hmv on friday, picking up a copy of the new kooks album, and i look to my left to see a male employee of the scarborough town centre location, not only selling the game to an obvious minor (under 5 ft tall, and looking to be around 12 years old, no adult accompaniment) but also discussing the finer points of the game. namely, how realistic the driving and gunplay are.

for god's sakes. when i go to such lengths telling people the merits of the great story in the game, and how it's intended for adults, which is why it's given the 18+ mature rating by the esrb, it pisses me off that people go and ruin it for everyone by pulling this kind of crap.

going to the movies

when i finally calmed down from seeing this spectacle, i went on to have a decent weekend.

but then, when jen and i were out shopping on saturday, we decided to go catch a flick at the mall. we went to harold and kumar escape from guantanamo bay.

now, this is not a kids movie.

i don't want to say it's not funny, or a good movie, but seriously: nine year olds should not be there. there was lots of drug consumption, a hefty portion of nudity (male and female, tops and bottoms) and while it's all in the name of jokes, there is a reason the movie is rated r in the states.

but, not only was there a dad who took his 9 year old son to the movie, but some woman in our row had a god-damned baby in the theater! what?!?!? she had a car seat propped up in one of the theater chairs.

now, not to mention the content of the flick, but isn't it really bad for a baby's hearing to be in a really loud movie theater? aren't their ears still developing at that stage and super fragile?

this weekend i was supremely disappointed by the human race and if you work at a games (or music) store and sell to minors or are a parent who doesn't take your kid to age appropriate movies or give them age appropriate video games, shame on you.

what's at stake: kids staying kids and adults getting adult content easily

seriously, you're just making it harder for of-age people to keep getting the things they want without a hassle. by being bad parents and lazy employees, you're making it harder to make and distribute interesting, envelope pushing entertainment.

and to boot, your kids are missing out on the best parts of childhood, innocence.

i know it sounds cliche, but games like GTA and movies like harold and kumar are so much better consumed when you've got a bit of maturity life experience under your belt.

and in the end, all we'll get is a homogenization of our culture because politicians and crazed parents will think that they have to save children since no one else will. and to me, that's crap.

parent your own children so that the government won't try to do it for you.

and hmv, read the esrb labels, understand them and follow them. it's really simple, you just have to believe that you can still make enough sales without a 12 year olds allowance. suggest another game, something that won't get you in trouble for selling.



Thursday, May 1, 2008

now how am i going to divide my time? (mario kart wii)

and here is a box open image of the statue of happiness (from gta iv) that rockstar sent, unboxed...

and i'm out, because i have a lot of playing, writing and whatnot left to do,

seriously, no joke here, got to get my work on,


Wednesday, April 30, 2008

i'm being bribed (and i love it!)

much like my new xbox friend, brian crecente, i received not only a copy of gta iv from rockstar games (who up until this point, i didn't think i would get anything from), i also got neat reviewer prizes!

i call them reviewer prizes, because editorial perks, giveaways and all other descriptions seem lame.

i prefer to think of them as prizes. that way, i win.

i got two copies of the game (one on 360 and one on ps3) as well a miniature of liberty city's own statue of happiness...

and a bunch of wicked cool stickers for my bike!

i don't actually have a bike and i don't want to let my tone fool you, these are actually really sweet and i'm so excited to add them to my already large pile of gta iv stuff that came with my collector's edition.

livin' large and in charge (of his cubicle),


p.s. many apologies for all the kotaku links but the unboxing pics from luke plunkett were so good, i don't think i could do any better.

gta iv is... (a quick explanation for media exposed peoples)


i know you'll read everywhere that it's great, but seriously. g-r-e-a-t.

and for anyone who doesn't get gta, here it is in a nutshell:

take your favorite mob/gangster flick (the departed, goodfellas, casino, basically anything scorsese) and make it interactive.

it's not a murder simulator. it's like a choose your own adventure. you play the game to progress the plot. i mean, as a former teenage male, and as a current early twenties guy, i can identify with the sheer glee associated with destruction and violence but at it's heart, the main appeal of gta has and always will be the underworld of crime, gangs and the story of one man.

just an fyi for your internets,


what's wrong with this picture (actually, it's a screengrab...)

ok, ok. i get planet earth. and i can tolerate young indiana jones. heck, i like juno and dexter.

but 27 dresses? joey!?!??!!?

seriously canadians. we need a culture infusion in our tv purchasing decisions, badly.



Monday, April 28, 2008

who wants an n64 in attractive packaging?

when i was asking about the probability of another super mario strikers (ie. failed canadian street date) while making the manager of my local eb (where i'm now considered a regular) very nervous about me running into the back and stealing my copy early...i noticed this:

you can get an n64 for $15!!!!

who needs GTA IV when you can play goldeneye or mario kart 64?

i remember when i was buying one for $200! and it was only because my grandparents had bestowed upon me and my brother large sums of money in pounds which we had brought back and combined to buy our first current-gen system (as in, not one they had stopped supporting).

it's kind of depressing.

what am i, old now?


gta iv tomorrow? huh.

ok, yes, it's the biggest game of the year. there's little question of that.

and yes, you've probably seen game footage already, seen the opening credits or maybe even played an illegal copy of the full game (which has been circulating the net on torrent downloads for over a week now).

i mean, i'm excited, and with good cause.

but it's taken me a while to get here.

back in the day

i'll take you back two years and a bit to halifax and my third year of j-school.

i was living in the city in my first home away from res and around...i don't know exactly, but probably february or march, i saw a very subdued and subtle display that only showed the preliminary (and subsequently discarded) box art for a fourth GTA game.

while i was a little excited by the prospect of a new GTA, I wasn't that stoked, because i'd been a little disappointed by san andreas, and wasn't sure about another GTA on the PS2.

but then i saw the release date. 2008.

i'm the kind of guy who can obsess over things, so i knew i had to just let it drop. at that point, there wouldn't be any real info on the game for another year, and even then, no sign of it being good or bad for another year after that.

now, today, and in 17 hours, tomorrow

somehow, it's finally here. but now, a day away, i'm giddy like a kid on christmas eve, wondering how i'll sleep tonight or last through tomorrow's work day.

in other GTA news, my hot tip got picked up on kotaku and i know this makes me a huge nerd, but i was super stoked. to the point that i actually showed it to jen, who just shook her head in what looked like a mix of horror, shame and 'i'm marrying you this summer?'.

a tidbit for the tense,


p.s. for those of you who don't know, jen also likes hockey.

Friday, April 18, 2008

blogging about not blogging

i was just going to post a very tiny post apologizing for my blogger neglect, but i figured i'd try to muster some energy and get out a decent post.

i had another late night last night, but this one for a purpose (other than watching all 24 episodes of real world: las vegas in under two weeks, only watching between 11:30 and 2am).

i was fixing the internet.

the rogers debacle

ever since we switched our services to rogers we've had issues of one kind or another.

and because of that, we've actually hung on to our bell internet (which they were supposed to be sending us a return kit for).

but last night, i attacked it with fervour.

should i even call it tech support?

after having to get a tech in twice to fix our cable, and then having an incredibly unsuccessful call with a tech over the fact that our modem lit up but didn't provide any actual 'surfability', where he told me to call apple because it was probably a 'mac problem' i'd had enough.

not to mention the fact that they've charged me the installation fees that i was told would be waived if i bought a $20 pack in store when i booked my installation.

so last night i was not going to take no for an answer.

earlier in the week the modem had begun working plugged straight into jen's laptop, but i couldn't get it to work with our wifi router or with my xbox.

method and results

last night i started by trying out the bell internet with the router.

aha! the router worked. so it was not the bad link in the chain.

then, in between the first and second overtimes (i know! seriously tense!) i started testing all the cables i had used in my chain. i had 4 different ethernet cables going and was convinced that if the router wasn't the problem, one of the cables must be.

i was right and ended up throwing away the s**ty cable the came with the router.

hooked it up with the bell internet, it worked, so hooked the entire thing up with the rogers and presto! working wireless internet.

warning! overly technical section coming up next!

now, since i'd received complaints from jen in the past as she didn't like my security methods (wpa2 with password and invisible ssid) because she said she doesn't like having to write out the ssid each time or having to remember two things, i finally figured out how to use mac ids in wireless security.

so i kept the wpa2 and made it a visible ssid, but changed the security to allowable only from an assigned list. this makes it just as safe (i hope) but easier for jen. and that makes my life easier. hehe.

end of technical jargon-y section! phew!

so that's why i'm groggy and cranky today. all because of a useless tech at rogers (who should have just told me one of two things: a) that i should wait a couple days because rogers internet is testy and sometimes doesn't work right out of the box and b) that I should have tried another cable) and because it takes a long time to troubleshoot wireless internet that is designed to be used with windows, and a router that is designed to be used with windows, with a mac.

but it's all hooked up and working now, now if i can just get back my installation fees they inadvertently charged me...


Monday, April 14, 2008

new stories/reviews


check the side bar under 'stories' for all my new stories, including the 'ambitious' bell gps nav conversation review i did with jen.

i think it turned out pretty rad, but feel free to leave a comment on, on the blog, or on my facebook page and let me know what you think.

there's also new reviews popping up every week so be sure to keep track of what's going in there every few weeks as i'm constantly writing, constantly publishing.


after a shakey start on friday, and a second visit from a tech, we have our digital cable up and running.

and, like the cable, after a shakey start (with a heart-breaking 5-4 loss to the caps in game 1) philly stormed back and took a shutout 2-0 win, in washington.

i promise i won't fill this blog with all my hockey obsessive junk, but it's a big deal for biron to pull out the shutout in game 2. now they get to take it back to philly and win a couple in front of the home team crowd.

enjoying my rogers 'on demand' eps of the real world,


Friday, April 11, 2008

what i'm playing this week (crackdown edition)

well, in the tradition of playing games i missed out on when they were new, and going even further back i've been revisiting an impulse buy i made when i got the xbox, crackdown.

i forgot how much fun it was just traveling around in the game, and i'm looking forward to finally leveling up my agent and getting to see what level 4 agility, guns and driving are like. sounds like fun in italics.

i'm also excited to announce that, since it is impossible to avoid any longer-with the start of playoff hockey-i have buckled and bought cable.

i was avoiding it for a number of reasons, one being the writers strike at the end of 2007, and another being cost.

but i've picked up rogers vip service for $52 a month as well as bundled it with internet for under $100 (which is close to how much we were shelling out to bell just for internet-they hadn't mentioned that we were going over our bandwidth and paying almost double the cost of a regular bill!).

last weekend was a blowout in terms of actual rest since jen had visitors from out of town and i had a s***ton of work to get done for monday. hopefully this weekend, with the inclement weather, will let us veg in front of our newfound 125+ channels (probably less in reality) and enjoy a weekend of inactivity.

from my couch, salutations,


Friday, April 4, 2008

quick note: pc edition

so i decided, after painstakingly trying to edit out the errors on that post with the device, that it wasn't worth it and left whatever is left there in.

it was an experiment and i feel satisfied that i tried and succeeded in blogging 'off-computer'.

in all seriousness, however, i don't know if i've ever been more excited for a weekend of nothing.

just chilling. i think there may be some apartment cleanup and wedding stuff, but barring that, there is just chill-axing in my immediate future.

come on 5 o'clock, stop being so damn slow and get here already!

coutin' down the minutes,


quick note: mobile edition

so, i've been trying to review this mini tablet pc that nokia sent me for quite some time and just today i managed to get it on the net.

the odd thing is it's virtually useless without an internet connection.

if you want to checkit out, it's the n810 by nokia. it's a weird little device that i've already taken far too long to review, and i still can't decide if i like it or if it's useful at all.

the good news is that i finished portal last night and am finally 'in' on the biggest inside joke in gaming.

i was trying to explain why it was so important to jen last night using an analogy from my grade school days:

remember when if you missed a show that was in at the moment you would have nothing to say at school the next day and you would be scared of not being 'cool' if you missed it?

my analogy failed because where she grew up, in a small nova scotian town, they didn't get cable til she left for university...

so i tried to get her to watch the portal credits with me and get excited about still alive. she didn't really 'get it', portal or the song, and remains unimpressed.

have i really become that nerdy?

taping the nose piece on my glasses,


p.s. typing on this thing takes FOREVER...though it might take longer if i cared about capitals.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

what i'm playing this week (orange box edition)

what i'm playing now

in my illustrious tradition of trying to catch up on all the great games that everybody played months ago, i just grabbed a used copy of the orange box for my 360.

super stoked to finally play portal and figure out what this means:

the cake is a lie
hehehe. if you're going to try to ruin it for me, however, i must warn you that i'm almost done-it's not that long a game, and i don't suck at games that much...

what i just finished playing

i finally got my last achievement for bully:se, making it my first 1000/1000 gamerscore game in my collection, and the first game i've played 100% through since my obsession with the godfather game on wii.

really a satisfying game, despite the technical hardships-freezing, stuttering and missing audio, etc. i also am offically done with assassin's creed as i somehow missed one conversation with lucy, therefore meaning i'll have to play through the entire game again for that achievement. f the flags. f lucy. f any more time achievement point grinding on that game.

liked the game, hated the emphasis on dumb collecting challenges.

bully got that one right. while you have to collect three different types of things in the game-smash gnomes, grab g&g cards and rubber bands-they put them on the map for you and each one disappears when you get it.

there was no guessing as to whether you got it, consulting a faq for help, and then getting even more annoyed because you couldn't figure out on the map which one you had and which you were still missing!


either way i'm done with them and on to good times with new games on the horizon too.

grand theft auto IV
can you say gta iv?



Tuesday, April 1, 2008

and the winner for best april fools joke is...

microsoft gaming division of all people!

it turns out that i was wrong on two counts...

1) they DO have a sense of humour at microsoft (also proved with bill gates' last day video, quite good)

2) they inadvertently created their own version of the mcfly 2015's, an xbox i desperately want to own, minus the 35 button remote:

special mention goes to the first april fools i saw today, the google/virgin venture, virgile, a mars colony that isn't quite 'safe' yet.

"...Sure, the work will be hard, the broadband rates low, the commodes decidedly open source, and yes, your life might be extinguished in a fiery instant of catastrophic technological malfunction..."

there were many more, but just wanted to list my two faves.

best holiday ever!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

it's here! (another game i can't play edition)

oh yeah, it happened again.

while i really appreciate the thought and hooking up with a new company is rad, sega of america skimmed my e-mail requesting review copies and information and plunked a ps3 version of condemned 2 into a ups envelope and sent it through the wonderful courier network.

so we're at this again.

the real issue here is that i'm forced into a corner where i have to question my dedication to the craft i'm so badly trying to break into.

a) i can just say 'f-it', leave the game and go on to one of the many other reviews i still need to write.

b) i can tell sega that they sent me the wrong platform for this game, and probably receive no response or potentially piss them off so they don't send me more (which is a probable case in choice a as well).

c) i can try to find a way to get a ps3.

but the third option has me troubled. while i knew i would eventually need to figure this issue out, i didn't know it would be this fast.

i'm at a point where it may be an issue of committing to this crazy venture to the point where my other hobbies become subjugated by my job. i may have to get rid of a piece of guitar gear to fully commit.

see, i've got a tube amp i've stopped using and it would probably sell for about the same price as a ps3. it's like that scene in back to the future iii. the point of no return.

if i make that decision, there's no turning back. i've got to get that De Lorean back to the future or crash and burn in clayton eastwood ravine.

or better yet, work might pay for one.

either way it's feeling kind of symbolic like a training montage in a rocky flick.

will give deets when there are some to give.

peace be the journey,


really hope this is the last time i mention the bully patch...

but unfortunately i have to report that it basically doesn't do much.

while at first, i thought, hey, no freezing, i failed to think about the fact that, patchless, i hadn't had a freeze since i got out of chapter one.

my audio was still wonky in some cutscenes, the graphics are far from perfect and stutter at the oddest of times but i was happy.

then, last night, it happened.

i was playing the final level, which i won't divulge the content to for fear of spoiling the game for others, but after i had completed 90% of my tasks, it froze.

i was entering a building (which goes to a quick loading screen every time) and the screen went black and my 360 was out cold.

i tried to get the 360 menu, restart it with the controller and even waited 2 minutes to see if it was just a stall. but no, it froze...again.

so i guess the patch needs to be patched, and i'm kind of bored about writing on it now.

wishing for a flaw-free game to play,


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

rock band for wii questions answered, and how!

this came out this morning so i'm sure it's old news, but after all my speculating yesterday, ea have put the niggling questions i had to rest.

- still no dlc, but there may be some day
- it's basically a port of the ps2 version, and lack everything that version lacked
- there will be no 'waggle' wii-specific controls
- no wiimotes are necessary
- it will ship with a usb hub like the 360 version
- the instruments will come in 'wii' colours (ie. white)
- you can't use your guitar hero iii guitar(s)

so there you have it folks. you can play rock band on wii, but you've gotta get all new peripherals and hope that the regular setlist plus the five bonus songs, will keep you interested enough to merit the $169 price tag.

it really is a good game, and i'd be hard pressed not to recommend it to wii owners thinking of grabbing a copy. my only issue is still with the guitar hero iii guitar compatibility and the lack of additional songs available through dlc.

they're small points but still annoying since the 360 and PS3 versions are fully featured.


Monday, March 24, 2008

neat finds: rock band on wii

forever rumoured, but only recently confirmed, rock band is indeed coming to wii.

the best fake guitar game that adds drums and downloadable content five bonus songs, will be out on june 22nd.

and, what's that? you want a second guitar to go with it?

as part of the release announcement, harmonix also said that the peripherals for wii will come out the same day.

it also doesn't mention whether you can use the gh:iii guitars that were made for the wii with rock band for wii. but that seems like dangerous waters to tread after last time.

rockin out with my wii out,


first notes: rainbow six vegas 2

checked out a small little bite of rainbow six vegas 2 this weekend and i was of two minds.

first off - wow. cool. i really didn't know that a tactical shooter could be fun and not too complex for my anti fps/third person shooter brain.

i was using snake cams, organizing flash bang breach entries and hitting head shots within an hour of play. it got really fun.

but just as quickly, it got damn hard.

second - level of difficulty. now i know i'm not the best gamer out there and this is new territory for me but damnnnnnnnn!

it's just so easy to die in this game.

i even have the skill setting on 'casual' but you can still die in 2-3 shots and the ai (while dumb every so often) has super human sight which makes planning a must. this can either make or break each scenario.

the puzzle solving side of my brain is delighted that there is more than one approach to each task, but the frustrated 5 year old inside me can only take about an hour or so of this game at a time before getting disgruntled and annoyed.

i cleared a chapter fairly quickly, but am now stuck in a stand off that has me on the top floor of a night club, not able to descend down the stairs without being picked off. i have a feeling it has something to do with some cover down there i can't see, but because of the fact that i can't see it, how the hell can i get down there?


i do like it though, and my final thoughts will be encapsulated in a review in another week, once i'm further through.

sniping ur dudes in ur base,


Thursday, March 20, 2008

bully patch redux mk. ii

so i guess i gave you guys geese too early.

supposedly, according to kotaku, bully is patched as of today at 4:30pm Eastern.

have at it and get to some boy kissing wedgies!

happy easter,


bully patch redux (and geese too!)

so, just a quick last note.

once again, rockstar are being jerks about this whole bully thing.

firstly, they've made another announcement that they will make an announcement (WHAT!?!?) tomorrow concerning the bully patch.


i guess they're all playing fully-patched versions of bully on 360, in between marathon gta IV sessions (which has probably long-ago gone gold, in glitch free versions) sipping margaritas and getting ready for the "BEST EASTER EVAR!!!".

or maybe i'm being a little harsh, but that note still seems cryptic.

i hope it means they're going to release the patch and maybe a small gift for those that have been maybe some free dlc? a chance to beta test gta IV?

i'm not hopeful, but otherwise this is just a whole lot more teasing.

i may pull out my hair if they announce that we have another week left since they already fell through on their other promise.

to cheer you up, you bully fanatics you. here are some pictures of real live CANADIAN GEESE which i saw walking a few feet away from me in the parking lot near my work.



it's here! (rainbow six vegas 2 edition)

finally got my copy of rsv2! pretty darn excited to get it up and running as i've heard good things.

i may not be a good fps-er (or third person shooter), and i may have sucked the big one at the original rainbow six-which, to be fair, i played a total of 1 time(s)-but i've been told they've scaled the play a bit so that even the worst fps-er who didn't play a call of duty, rainbow six or anything of the like, can have fun playing.

so even i have a chance!

i will definitely be booting up the campaign mode this weekend when i go back home for some family visit time at least in between rounds of bully and rock band.

gonna love me some vegas tactical shooter.

will post impressions once i get it in the ol' 360.

later days,


three (fairly obvious) reasons why i think xbox will win the (2008) console war

so this is a weird topic for me, i realize, as most times i keep my opinion to myself (ha!) but i was thinking about this topic and it suddenly dawned on me.

i have a wii. i have a ds. i have a 360 and i will probably have a ps3 before too long. but there are a few select reasons why i just can't stop playing 360 and i think they're fairly universal.

even though, as i've mentioned, they're patently obvious, i thought my stunning insights were worth a blog post for those wii-ers who don't understand the appeal of a 360 (me 8 months ago) or diehard sony fanatics that have either blindly adopted the ps3 or couldn't let go of the ps2 (me 2 years ago).

achievement points, price of used games, sheer catalogue,

1) achievement points

i know. i know. i didn't want this to be a factor. but after only a scant few months of playing games on my 360, i've found out one important fact.

achievement points are addictive.

that's just a fact, like cheese-strings are awesome and the pope has to have 6'9" doorways so he won't hit his hat.

i swore to myself that i would never become a slave to achievement points or even care, but i've become addicted to that little 'boop' noise and the phrase 'achivement unlocked!'.

sony and nintendo have no counter to this and haven't even bothered to copy it.

2) catalogue

the 360 has just been around longer. there are more good games on it than any other console because of that.

that, and the fact that the wii had an extremely rough start for everything but first party-ie. nintendo-made-titles because of how new the platform was and how difficult it was to design for.

the ps3 has little excuse as they somehow went from the most sought-after console that everyone was willing and wanted to design for to the one with the bad reputation for being hard to design on and that everyone actively avoids.

3) price of games

and this is the clincher for me and many other people. even if you set aside used games, which some people do, because it's a dirty business where eb (or gamestop if you're in the US) make a ton of money and developers still struggle to stay afloat, there are the platinum titles and price cuts galore.

wii games never go on sale. and the good ones don't even depreciate more than $5 to $10 as used games! as of now there is no such thing as a wii greatest hits title, and therefore great games like super mario galaxy, no more heroes and even excitetruck (which was a launch title!) stay the same price forever.

ps3 games just seem expensive in general, they've not been around long enough for greatest hits and like the wii games, don't seem to get into the 'easy to buy' category because of high prices.

it's easy to walk into a game store and leave with a couple $10 or $20 games that are still great but came out in maybe 2006. it's harder to leave with a couple of $50, $60 or even $70 (on the ps3) games. you have to be way more choosy.

just a thought,


Monday, March 17, 2008

tid-bittal update

just a few notes to keep the brain juices flowing.

bully patch?

first, rockstar proved both themselves and me to be liars as the bully patch has still not surfaced.

after surfing various forums on this topic it seems that the general mood can be summed up into three categories:

1) exceedingly upset that they mentioned a date they couldn't stick to-which was a week and should have had it out by friday.*

2) refusing to open their copy until the patch is released-so, i guess, they can take it back if the patch isn't released?

3) are imploring everyone to remain calm as the patch is still on it's way, rockstar just shouldn't have promised it would be out so soon. supposedly it's already with microsoft QA-which i believe i mentioned in an earlier post-and that can sometimes take a couple of weeks.

smash bros. brawl

so i finally dug into the subspace emissary mode in earnest this weekend and i can safely come to the conclusion that it was not designed by a platformer designer.

crap if it isn't flawed.

it just seems that every other level you have impossible jumps, lose all your men, and have completely ambiguous goals.

the most important part to understand in platform video game design (to me) is that everything should serve a purpose in telling the 'story' of the game. nowhere recently has this been most evident to have been ignored than in smash bros sse mode.

there are times when you go through a door and just walk a short distance until the level fades out. i was left yelling at the tv, why is that there?

and sometimes, like in the snake challenge, you're not quite sure what you have to do to open a door you just see lights flashing. at first i thought i was doing it wrong because i kept seeing alarm lights, but then i figured out that was actually me unlocking one of the four sets of doors to progress further.

too often am i backtracking un-necessarily because nothing in the game is explicitly clear.

that said, now that i've tried some more characters and had some time to brawl a little more, it is fun.

the fighting is great, snake works-which was unexpected-and it's a good buy. it won't be a 10/10 for my review like everyone else, but there is a lot to do in brawl, even if they actual combat hasn't evolved that much.

rock band

so, after having my copy of rock band for a few months now, this weekend was my first real multiplayer experience.

my buddy andrew was over and we went through a nice little chunk of the game with him on guitar, my fiancee jen on bass and myself helming the band from the drum throne.

definitely a better experience than the single player venture and i'm beginning to understand why it's such a guitar-hero killer even though we bombed the jet song.

will rock out with my...uhhh...maybe i'll just rock out for now,


*one guy even said he was going to boycott GTA IV because rockstar didn't come through with their promised patch date. i'm sure they'll be hurting when that one guy doesn't buy what will most likely be the biggest and best-selling game of 2008.

Friday, March 14, 2008

what i'm playing this week (carcasonne edition)


so you may be shocked by the title because yes, i am indeed getting hooked on that free xbox live title that was sent out in november of this year. it was the 5th anniversary of live! and ms wanted to show some love.

either way, i'm just beginning to realize how sweet and fun this game is, but i won't digress into actually explaining it. it's basically (oh well, a little exposition never hurt anybody) a city building board game where you drop pieces and try to get them to connect and close off properly to build roads, cities, monestaries and farmland. you get points if you leave a follower on the land and it gets finished.

either way, it's really fun once you get used to it, and i have the strange suspicion that i've played it before.


sadly, between this newfound obsession and not being able to let go of some of the more annoying goals in assassin's creed (flags and templars) i've been completely remiss in my brawl time.

it's not that i don't like brawl, it's just that the more i'm forced to play through the sub-space emissary mode, the more i hate nintendo for making it such a long process to unlock all the characters.

i'm just impatient and feeling a slight addiction to achievement points which i'm hoping to just as quickly curb.


other than that i've been busy writing and publishing some more reviews. just got up my hack and slash review of tony hawk: proving ground where the best thing involved was the music, and i've got an ace combat 6 (i know, old!) review in the bank for next week.

expect reviews of phones, some more games (mostly old) and other reviews to come churning out in the next couple weeks.

the (infamous) rocketmen

oh, and i got my review code for rocketmen last night. jeez. that game kind of sucks. i'm going to keep at it for now though, as i've heard that, like dead rising, it gets a lot more fun when you've upgraded your character enough to be competitive. will get a full review up of that probably next week too.

i'm a busy busy busy bee,


Thursday, March 13, 2008

bully patch imminent

well hear it here first (or second if you frequent the site rockstar watch)...

the much lauded and completely real issues with the 360 version of bully, the scholarship edition, are nearly over.

the patch, that rockstar exec sam houser said would take a week (from last friday) is completed and just awaiting go ahead from microsoft QA.

while this news comes third hand, via a nameless rockstar contact that rockstar watch contacted, it's definitely good news.

the issues left the game virtually unplayable for some, with huge framerate issues and worse, freezing problems.

for some it just meant being a little more careful and saving every couple of missions so as not to lose a couple hours of work. for others, what is stated as a problem with the rockstar team developing on newer xbox hardware, not even entire missions are playable before freezing occurs.

the really scary thing is that it seems so random. this is almost as bad as the smash bros. crashes, except that nintendo leapt right up and told everyone to send their consoles away for 'cleaning' and would get them back within a week.

for bully 360 owners, i sincerely hope this patch is as good as they say it is.

but jeez, between guitar hero iii for wii, smash bros. and bully, it's seeming more and more dicey to buy a new game at launch.

sad sad sad,


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

added! - a new link in the right nav

just wanted to give a quick update that i've added a new link in the 'friendly links' section on the side bar.

jeff gerstmann and ryan davis, of the gamespot-gate debacle fame, have arisen from the ashes and replaced their podcast-arrowpointingdown-with a website and podcast called giant bomb.

i'm a big fan of the podcast and jeff's writing pre-firing, so even though this site is in the infancy stages, i think it's going to be great.

also check out their video series, the aptly titled 'how to build a bomb'-which will no doubt garner them some negative reactions from google, which is a neat insight into what it takes to start your own games website (and the thousands of dollars they appear to be investing.

smash bros. impressions

just wanted to give an update that smash bros. is indeed fun. not sure how much more fun it is than the last two games, but it's neat.

i think it's gotta be the depth of interaction that's stemming the good early reviews because for me, the platforming part of the game just ain't cutting it.

tried to play a little while with jen last night but we both got bored and quit to take up our respective couch hobbies. assassin's creed for me and surfing/blogging/e-mailing for her.

the actual 'smashing'-which is how i refer to the brawl element-is fun but without a big group of people or trying the online play, there's not much to report.

meta knight still kicks ass and i've concluded that the sideways wiimote, and the wiimote and nunchuck combo control schemes are useless. it's wavebird of classic controller all the way.

if anyone thinks any different i'll cut their arms off smite them with all my might be interested to hear about it.

have a smashing and stealthy evening, i know i will,


p.s. i've also figured out how to put my gamercard in the that's new. i know i've not got much in the way of gamerscore but i've only had the 360 2 months, lay off.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

it's here!

well, now i feel a little silly about my excitement, but i really am dying to get another crack at this game-SSBB.

the small delay in getting it only further whetted my appetite. it ended up arriving at 5:15, 10 minutes after i left work, and 15 minutes after a receptionist was there to receive it.

another employee on my floor took it in, shoved it in my mail folder in the mailroom, and was goodly enough to leave me a voice mail to tell me it was here (since he didn't know where my desk was).

in my haste to grab it out of the mailroom, i forgot to take down his name and deleted the message. so here's a thank you to the anonymous dude that saved my smash.

arm and legfuls of gratitude,


Monday, March 10, 2008

a rockstar contact

i'm going to need you all to hold your breath right now.

i may have found, through the wonders of google, a pr contact for rockstar games.

for me, this is a little like finding the freaking holy grail.

not that rockstar games are a be-all end-all for me, but it's just that i've been trying to find any form of contact for them for months.

even before my ea/rock band hunt, rockstar was on my list of 'definitely need to get in touch withs'.

oh, and i'm getting semi-jazzed over gta iv. it's shaping up to be quite the game, and a possible return to form for the cats at rockstar. they lost me with san andreas, have kept me unimpressed with the shabby bully port but i'm hoping they rehook me with IV, and make me all misty eyed for the long nights spent awake playing the first GTA and skipped classes in high school to get in some GTA: III action.

if anybody has navigated their site, you'll understand why it caused me so much grief, but huzzah, i will be elated, at least until i figure out that it's a dead e-mail address.

in other news...

here's my review for lost odyssey, as promised.

now that didn't take so long, did it?

anxiously anticipating some brawling,


the waiting game (ssbb edition)

so it's been said before, but is worth noting again that i'm not that excited for super smash bros. brawl.

that is, at least i wasn't.

this weekend i absorbed some of the fever-and stupidity-of the smash bros. fanatics when i visited a larger mall eb games on sunday.

yes, i realize that i was remiss to forget nintendo's decision to release a game on a freakin' sunday, but i nevertheless managed to block out all the nerdling-more than me even-conversations concerning whether stores were sued if they broke street dates and whether or not eb had any copies that weren't already pre-ordered/spoken for.

through that haze of ugliness i did pick up a little excitement-seeing the wall of copies behind the cash at the big mall eb-and now am eagerly anticipating my review copy and starting to worry that the pr firm weren't lying that there is a 'waiting list' and that some folks will have to wait for copies to filter back before getting their hands on one.

i know it's all just anticipation osmosis, but it's fun to be part of it sometimes, isn't it?

i was also contacted by capcom this morning with a new one, an xbox live game review for their new ip, rocketmen.

Rocketmen!weird. i've never dealt with review codes or live games before so it'll be interesting if they ever send it to me.

other than that it's just the norm, pumping out a few more past-due reviews (lost odyssey full review and tony hawk: proving grounds should be up this week) and gliding effortlessly through my recently acquired copy of assassin's creed.

stalking the shadows (god that sounds lame),


p.s. just ran into the runner/courier guy for the pr firm that handles nintendo's stuff as i was handing back a very late held copy of the wii fire emblem game and he had nothing to hand me. not a good sign. not a good sign at all.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

issues of parenting and bully(ing)

so rockstar has re-released bully on two new consoles and with it comes the controversy.

oh rockstar, where would you be without controversy?

i mean, i get it, teachers want to protect children from bullying. they want to see violence that is too close to a schoolyard and they want to think that somehow it will be another columbine, or somehow just a widespread increase in locker stuffing, slingshot toting bart simpson wannabes...

the real truth in this, at least to me, is that all they're doing is highlighting a small genre of game and helping rockstar shift copies.

after a quick check, it seems the esrb rated this one teen.

there's no guns, no sex, no alien boobies on gritty looking soldier (a la the mass effect controversy). nope, this is a fairly clean game for rockstar.

but what seems to still cause controversy is that it happens in a school, with a 15 year old protagonist who takes vengeance on people who mistreat him.

now i'm not saying that this is admirable or even tolerable behaviour and i had my share of beatdowns in elementary school. but it's hardly the kind of content to get up in arms over.

oh yeah, and you can kiss dudes in this. not sex, not anything particularly lascivious, but you can have same-gender boyfriends.

it's hardly worth even caring about, seeing as how most 13 year olds i've met play call of duty 4 (which has a lot more than slingshots) and grand theft auto: san andreas (which subs actual prostitutes for girlfriends and grenades for stink bombs).

i know, i know, i agree. they shouldn't be playing those games, but the reality is, most of them are. most of the male (and female) younger set are getting their grubby little paws on these games and they're doing it younger than ever. they're not playing carnival games, no. they're playing games with guns, sex, and whatnot and i don't think actively trying to take them away is the right way to fix the problems.

i think it's all on the parents.

sorry, parents, i love you, but you have two duties towards video games and that's it.

1) know what your kid is playing.

it's dead easy with the current generation of consoles. i know specifically that both the wii and the xbox 360 keep a log of the games played and the wii even shows how much time was spent on each.

but that's not just what i meant. you should also know what your kid is playing. i know they think you're uncool and you want to be. but for god sakes, just play the game once. play it with them, or sit with them and have them explain it. if that fails, look it up on the internet.

2) contextualize.

now, some would take that first point and run off and take the games away. i'm against this kind of behaviour because a) it makes whatever you're taking away seem more desirable and b) they're going to find a way to play it anyways.

all kids have friends whose parents are less observant (or more open) than you.

just because you take it away doesn't mean it's gone.

so, in light of this, along with playing the games, try to explain the context to your kid. let them know that, while in a game it's ok, that in real life, it's not as simple.

this may seem like common sense, but you have no idea how many kids can't see the blurry lines between media and reality.

in my day, it was kids copying wrestling moves and injuring and killing each other. now it can be just as dangerous if there's no adult figure there to explain it.

the bottom line:

if you make games taboo, it just means kids will do it behind your back and at times when they've got no help understanding the images they see.

game with your kids, and stay educated. as always the best offense is a good defense, and the best defense knows the other teams plays.

sorry for the preachiness,


Thursday, February 28, 2008

when it rains...(podcast list)

so i've been thinking.

i think it's fair to assume that most people have an ipod or an mp3 player (note the distinction that no, an ipod is not just an mp3 player) these days.

to get the full use out of it, one cannot subsist on a diet of fallout boy, pearl jam and cobra starship alone...

for me, i filled the gap that comes when you can look at 6 gigs of music and not find anything that you haven't listened to in a while, with podcasts.

podcasts can be anything, but for me they need a few elements to be listenable.

i like recordings that don't ignore audio rules, like quality mics, mixing, levels and planned topics and i like personalities.

so here is my short list of podcasts that make me laugh and look a little crazy on the subway:

1) radio bam - yes, this is not a podcast. it's actually a ripped (see: stolen) mp3 of bam margera's radio show on sirius satellite radio, but because it's on sirius, there are no holds barred as to the content or language on it. it's always funny, always interesting (if you find skateboarding or jackass antics even remotely funny) and sometimes he gets some rad guests.

2) smodcast - another pseudo celeb podcast here. kevin smith (auteur of clerks, mallrats, dogma, chasing amy, jersey girl, jay and bob strike back, clerks ii and now filming zack and miri make a porno) and his longtime friend/producer/fellow canadian scott mosier make a properly recorded and well produced podcast with only their own banter filling almost an hour. while it's toted as being weekly, expect busy smith times (like now, since he's currently filming the previously mentioned flick starring seth 'the man' rogen) to have blackout weeks where no podcast surfaces. always racy, most often funny, a quality download.

3) arrow pointing down - a great little find and it's brand new to boot. jeff gerstmann (formerly of gamespot until a very scrutinized and very public firing*) and another former gamespot editor, ryan davis, make a very odd-topic and quick moving podcast about, ostensibly video games, but they often spend more time talking about gatorade, candy bars, and sleeping til 2 now that they're both out of work. if you like video games and funny dudes shooting the shit, this is another great one.

that's it. three. but i'm sure there are more good ones out there, possibly better than my picks, but for some reason i thought that maybe people might like to see what i was listening to.

layabout love to you all (as in, that doesn't involve moving from a prone position in front of the tv, controller in hand),


*for more on gerstmann-gate read: here and the one below it. there are some links.

long time no update

well, i haven't updated in a while because...well...i have very little to say.

i mean, it's rare that i ever have nothing to say about a topic, it's just that there isn't a whole lot going on that interests me right now.

smash bros.

smash bros isn't out til march 3rd, and i'm not guaranteed a copy right then either. i guess, as opposed to fire emblem and other less desirables, the pr company that front nintendo in canada has been inundated with requests for loaners of this particular game.

now, if i were nintendo, i would want every person who could write about smash, to have a copy in their possession before launch, but that's just me. they're so super secretive about the unlockables in the game, the new characters, and basically everything but the main brawling that i don't think exposure is even a concern.

with the dojo and the fact that most American (or Japanese i guess) companies put very little money into Canadian press, i've not got my hopes up.

gaming these days

but it's not to say that i'm not gaming. in fact, the predominant use of my time recently has been plugging away at a few select games.

i've given up on mass effect entirely, so that's one thing i've stopped worrying about. there's just too much talking and too much walking. it's too much like real life i guess, but with more aliens and guns.

nhl 2008

i am almost through my inaugral nhl 2008 season finally! i've had the game for many moons but always played a few games here and there. i mean, i love the game and the new controls, i just kept getting rad games to take up my time.

lost odyssey

i've also breached the third disk in lost odyssey and i'm finding that, with a good chunk of the game done, i'm still loving the combat but finding it hard to sit down and play.

why? because once you get into a dungeon or new area, it's damn hard to put down.

for one, the save points later in the game can be few and far between. now, i rarely die in these instances, but the situation between me and my fiancee tends to detoriorate as i keep saying 'just one more minute...i seriously just need to find the next save point...'. this problem is documented here on kotaku.


and when i'm not playing hockey, or defeating giant bugs and enchanted thugs in lost odyssey, i'm battling xbox live and ea nation to get some online skate action in.

i don't think i've been this obsessed with a sports game since the first two tony hawks came out. it's really really good. course, connecting to games is a pain in the arse and i can't figure out if the matchmaking fails so many times due to ea, live!, my internet connection or some combination of two or three of those ingredients.

so, i can say that at least i'll keep busy until smash, mario kart wii, or anything else compelling are released.

later days,


Thursday, February 21, 2008

and now's my time to chime in...

so, the much rumoured commodore games to vc move has happened.

annouced at GDC (games developers conference) today and reported on kotaku, it seems that there will indeed be commodore 64 games on the wii's virtual console.

my first thoughts were 'yeah! i get to play all those games i loved playing in grade 3 on huge floppy disks with that worn out joystick in ms. davis' class!'. but then i read a little lower.

The first titles to appear on the VC will be International Karate and Uridium, priced to go at 500 Wii points each.

excuse my french but, pardon eh moi?

you're saying that games that ran on a computer i wouldn't use as a paperweight now...well, maybe as a paperweight actually, but anyways, games that run on a computer that's over 20 years old are going to cost the same as NES games? in my first-and hopefully only use of internet lingo in this blog-WTF!

i mean come on! how is that the same value as an NES game. i'll gladly pay $5 for a working and easy to boot version of blades of steel or kirby, but commodore 64 games? f no.

just had to chip that in there. i think it's patently ridiculous.

either way, i've had not much more success with lost odyssey this week, haven't touched rock band for that same amount of time and got the skate. glitch i've heard so much about.

but that's about my week as it stands. the rest of it? there's a guy coming to look at our pipes (not like that you dirty minded jerks) tonight to try and fix the persistant wet patch in the middle of our living room (yay for carpet!) and i'm going to try to get off the first disk of lost odyssey by the weekend.

happy trails, pardners...


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

what i'm playing this week (whatchoo playin'?)

so, as the man who is always at least a year behind the times, i'm digging on two games that are way old, and one that is brand new this week.

right now, i'm dedicating the majority of my time to completing every last offline objective in skate. holy crap is it good. but i'm guessing you know this, as it came out like 6 months ago.

and even further back, dead rising came out. yes i've had a 360 for only a couple months, so give me a little credit, but oh man, once you get above around level 14, this game becomes fun defined. i've plateued as of late, but i may go back to it for a few more achievements and unlockables.

but most recently, i was sent, without asking for it, a copy of the 4-disk epic lost odyssey.

now, before i got ahold of a copy, i was seriously making fun of this game.

i mean, not only was it made by mistwalker, the company behind the atrociously long and boring blue dragon, which i have infamously not spent more than 2 hours on, but it was rumoured to clock in at 4 disks long, and was touted as 'too simplistic an rpg to be exceptional'.

well, take everything you've heard so far about lost odyssey and forget it.

like the protagonist in the story, get amnesia, and then pick up this game.*

i mean, if you hate rpgs, or if you've never played ff vii (or don't know what that means) then skip it.

but for everyone else, this is epic. it's a lot of reading, yes. and it's a lot of long cut scenes. there's also a fairly simplistic fighting and weapon/skill management system, but this is what makes the game so fun.

it's not just about the battles and the collectibles (though those themselves are still really, really fun), the game is as much about the story as it is about the journey.

it's just a rad rad japanese cinema epic, housed in a four disk game. i really expected to hate it, but i've been missing out on precious hours playing skate for this game. and as for value, it's 4 disks, which i've heard are almost 10 hours apiece if you're not snooping around too much, so you get a pretty nice ton of gameplay.

it may be a little too much like ff vii, and that may have something to do with why i'm so infatuated with it, but either way, the implication of a game being too much like ff vii is preposterous to begin with. it just increases its cred.

either way, i'm having fun with a game i expected to yawn at and place neatly in the pile marked 'don't open til bored and poor' with tony hawk: proving ground and blue dragon.

dreaming dreams of a thousand years,


*if you need help with this, there is a rad episode of south park where cartman attempts to knock himself out so he can travel back in time in a vision to see the signing of the declaration of independence and not have to do research for his report. it's f-ing fantastic! it'll give all you kiddies loads of great ideas for conking yourself out, amnesia or no...