Wednesday, March 26, 2008

really hope this is the last time i mention the bully patch...

but unfortunately i have to report that it basically doesn't do much.

while at first, i thought, hey, no freezing, i failed to think about the fact that, patchless, i hadn't had a freeze since i got out of chapter one.

my audio was still wonky in some cutscenes, the graphics are far from perfect and stutter at the oddest of times but i was happy.

then, last night, it happened.

i was playing the final level, which i won't divulge the content to for fear of spoiling the game for others, but after i had completed 90% of my tasks, it froze.

i was entering a building (which goes to a quick loading screen every time) and the screen went black and my 360 was out cold.

i tried to get the 360 menu, restart it with the controller and even waited 2 minutes to see if it was just a stall. but no, it froze...again.

so i guess the patch needs to be patched, and i'm kind of bored about writing on it now.

wishing for a flaw-free game to play,


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