Tuesday, March 25, 2008

rock band for wii questions answered, and how!

this came out this morning so i'm sure it's old news, but after all my speculating yesterday, ea have put the niggling questions i had to rest.

- still no dlc, but there may be some day
- it's basically a port of the ps2 version, and lack everything that version lacked
- there will be no 'waggle' wii-specific controls
- no wiimotes are necessary
- it will ship with a usb hub like the 360 version
- the instruments will come in 'wii' colours (ie. white)
- you can't use your guitar hero iii guitar(s)

so there you have it folks. you can play rock band on wii, but you've gotta get all new peripherals and hope that the regular setlist plus the five bonus songs, will keep you interested enough to merit the $169 price tag.

it really is a good game, and i'd be hard pressed not to recommend it to wii owners thinking of grabbing a copy. my only issue is still with the guitar hero iii guitar compatibility and the lack of additional songs available through dlc.

they're small points but still annoying since the 360 and PS3 versions are fully featured.


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