ok, yes, it's the biggest game of the year. there's little question of that.
and yes, you've probably seen game footage already, seen the opening credits or maybe even played an illegal copy of the full game (which has been circulating the net on torrent downloads for over a week now).
i mean, i'm excited, and with good cause.
but it's taken me a while to get here.
back in the day
i'll take you back two years and a bit to halifax and my third year of j-school.
i was living in the city in my first home away from res and around...i don't know exactly, but probably february or march, i saw a very subdued and subtle display that only showed the preliminary (and subsequently discarded) box art for a fourth GTA game.
while i was a little excited by the prospect of a new GTA, I wasn't that stoked, because i'd been a little disappointed by san andreas, and wasn't sure about another GTA on the PS2.
but then i saw the release date. 2008.
i'm the kind of guy who can obsess over things, so i knew i had to just let it drop. at that point, there wouldn't be any real info on the game for another year, and even then, no sign of it being good or bad for another year after that.
now, today, and in 17 hours, tomorrow
somehow, it's finally here. but now, a day away, i'm giddy like a kid on christmas eve, wondering how i'll sleep tonight or last through tomorrow's work day.
in other GTA news, my hot tip got picked up on kotaku and i know this makes me a huge nerd, but i was super stoked. to the point that i actually showed it to jen, who just shook her head in what looked like a mix of horror, shame and 'i'm marrying you this summer?'.
a tidbit for the tense,
p.s. for those of you who don't know, jen also likes hockey.
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