the weekend on a whole was great. it was mellow, i got a copy of sceneit! and after some false starts, began my trivia domination.
but i'm first going to blog about the ridiculousness that is the ttc, specifically, the elder crowd on the ttc.
now, this is not an overarching, all the elderly should be banned from the ttc, or the incredibly popular facebook group's title 'i secretly want to punch slow moving people in the back of the head' type of rant. i have a legitimate complaint to make with a specific incident that happened last week on friday.
so i was coming home from work, via downtown since jen wanted to show me some new wedding related stuff before we trudged to the homestead.
i was more than overleaden with crap to carry, because i had graciously accepted a six pack of energy drinks (which i really never have anyways) from my boss before leaving. this was one more heavy thing to carry on top of my backpack (full of the ridiculously heavy 360 i lug between work and home these days) and my satchel (that carries my regular work stuff) and my brand new copy of sceneit! that managed to be courier'd to the office right at 5 o'clock. so i had the backpack and satchel on my shoulders, and both hands full on the subway. don't worry, there is a point to all this exposition.
what i'm bascially trying to say is that i had my hands full by the time i got downtown, and after we looked at the wedding stuff, we got back on the subway and headed for our station. a quick nip to pizza pizza for dinner, and we were back in the station waiting for the bus home.
we just managed to grab one before it left and tried (badly) to snake through the passengers to the middle of the bus and not get in anyone's way, but with backpack, satchel, pizza, sixpack, jen's purse and sceneit!, this was no easy feat. jen wanted us to move inwards (much to my complaints that we wouldnt' be able to get to the doors and we only had 3 stops to go) because there was an old lady that followed us onto the bus.
the old lady followed us to the middle of the bus, and i guess jen overheard her muttering and saw her glaring at us, though i was completely oblivious to this...that was until she pushed me.
yeah, no frigging way you say. that doesn't sound like old people i know, you say.
well, it's true, i couldn't believe it, and tried to convince myself it was an accident, that she didn't mean to shove my bag violently and twist my body, but then...WHAM, again, she pushes my bag.
so this time i turn to her and ask 'what's your problem!'.
she yells right back in my face, 'you're hitting me with your bag!' which was complete bs, and i was trying very hard to compact myself as much as possible and was nowhere near her.
'you should in the seats at the back of the bus with your big backpack'.
now here, i should refer to the reasoning that i wrote three paragraphs on all the stuff jen and i were carrying. there is me with a full backpack (that's really heavy!), a satchel (so double duty on right shoulder), the sixpack of tall-boy energy drinks (that i didn't even want, but carried out of guilt) and one arm barely free for holding a stability bar on the bus. jen is carrying the pizza, on which is stacked the sceneit! box, because she felt bad for me having to carry all of it.
back to the bus...i got pissed at the point that the lady had the audacity to shove me and yell at me in front of a bus full of people when i clearly couldn't move three feet let alone to the back of the frigging bus, so i yell back 'why don't you go the back of the bus!'
she just starts losing her shit talking about 'i have to deal with this all the time, you people should make room for me, i can't believe you, you should use the seats and get your backpack out of my way' though i can't tell you this is accurate because i was fuming by now, and i only had one stop to go.
so i asked her 'why don't you just get a car if you don't like the bus?' which i thought was a fair question. she retorts, cleverly 'maybe if you were nicer to your teachers, you'd be able to get one, i can't afford one' and then she kicks me in the shin!
well, she really barely grazed me, but in her backswing, kicked some defenseless woman behind her to which she told 'it's his fault'. not sorry, not didn't mean to, but 'it's his fault' and points to me.
at this point, some nice guy made some room for me to move a little further back, and it was my stop, so i gave up, muttered 'crazy bitch' under my breath and exited the bus. the entire population of the bus was so dumbfounded by her arrogance and insanity, that they didn't want to meet eye contact with this beast.
i have no idea if this is an average experience on the bus, to meet such f-ing rude, entitled, a-hole elderly people, but i'm going to think twice before stepping out of the way or holding open doors from now on.
it may just get you kicked.
losing my faith in humanity,