Thursday, November 8, 2007

it happened on the way to work/crazy gore psychos

this won't be a full post, as i'll update later in the day, but i have to divulge on a crazy occurance on my way to work.

some dude, i guess who was discharged from the pysch ward a few days too early, went a little nuts on the subway platform at the stop where i get on to get to work.

i guess this kid, maybe 13 years old, threw a candy wrapper or something onto the tracks and this guy spots him (didn't see that part).

well he just launches into an incredibly intense expletive ridden diatribe that the kid 'better never do that again' because he's tired of 'little s**t's like you making my subway dirty'. then he asked the kid if he thought he 'was joking, because i'll rip your head off and s**t down your throat!'.

yeah, i'm seriously not paraphrasing here. 8am on a thursday morning and this pyschopath is telling a kid he'll defecate in gaping neckwound he will create, all because of a little litter. i think this guy has been taking al gore a little too seriously. it's not YOUR job to discipline every person with threat of death and corpse desecration.

well some guy invariably tells the guy to f-off and leave the kid alone, which was especially important as the guy had moved so that the kid was between him and the tracks. i was honestly getting concerned that he might push the kid in to get the wrapper. so kudos to you, the guy on the other end of the platform the risked being punched on his way to work to stop the dude yelling anymore at the kid.

just can't really comprehend how this all happened before i was really even awake. it just made me sick to my stomach.

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