Wednesday, November 7, 2007

slower day/new blog

I have decided that if I'm going to write something new everyday, and have no one read it, that I may as well do it in a larger format with fancy colours (black) and have it auto-feed into my facebook rather than keep writing notes and pretend it's not a blog, which is what it is.

The purpose of this exercise, barring someone who will listen to my every random thought as i come up with them, is also to let people know what i'm up to, how my job/career is going and what's going on in general.

It's meant to be informal and trivial and everything most people DON'T look for in reading material, but that i value at the utmost.

The news today is that I've caught wind that Activision are going to be getting me on board and providing games (following in suit with Nintendo and Microsoft's in house studios). This is GREAT! I will get a copy of Tony Hawk: Proving Ground and Call of Duty 4 to peruse on the loaner 360 i got.

The bad news is I'm starting to feel the pressure of such a large pile of games, all waiting to be beaten and subsequently reviewed.

This will sound like crap to anyone who is slightly envious of my self-defined role. Mostly, I'm having trouble justifying my complaints to my inner child, the 12 year old that thought video game reviewing would be the greatest job on the planet. He's pissed. He keeps telling me to suck it up.

But as it stands now, this is the damage (and I really will enjoy it, but the sheer hours are getting daunting...):

Xbox 360
- Halo 3 (don't think I'm even a 1/4 in. long game!)
- Guitar Hero III (beat on easy, almost done on medium, but need to find someone to try co-op with and go online)
- Blue Dragon (random rpg i asked for when I had no games lined up, haven't even broke the shrink wrap...)
- Tony Hawk: Proving Ground (just confirmed it today, will be coming soon)
- Call of Duty 4 (another epic, and a game that will take some time to beat. me=suck at first person shooters)

- Metroid Prime 3 (another big fps...)
- Battalion Wars 2 (really excited about this one, especially online)
- Fire Emblem (long rpg, what was i thinking asking for all these...)

I've also made a s**t-ton of inquiries about other games (particularly 3 e-mails already about a certain 4 player band simulation...) so there may be more coming.

And i've only finished 1 review so far. Jeez.

On the home front, we met the new landlords tonight. Other than a couple qualms about price (as they're not continuing our cable 'deal' that the last landlords gave us) they seem nice. Teachers. I think that sums it up if you know my family...

More soon, but have to start an article on the new Canadian portal.

Watch "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia". You'll thank me later.


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