yesterday i was out looking for guitar hero iii extra controllers. this, was not a big deal. in fact, i wasn't sure i even WANTED to buy one, but i wanted to see if they were in stock and if it would be hard to get one (as i really wanted to try out the co-op career mode and battle mode in ghIII before i submit my review).
i checked the interweb before leaving the office for my lunch retreat (not for eating, as i work during my real lunch, but i sometimes go for a walk and window shop). eb is always a no go as they stock literally nothing, and you can never get a straight answer, but i thought for sure that i could get my regular level of
the website said they had stock and sure enough, when i got into the store, they had nothing. i asked a sales associate, or ass as i'll refer to him henceforth, if they had any.
he told me 'we had a bunch earlier, i guess they sold out'. i thought about asking ass if he knew when the next ones would be coming in (as i wasn't sure if i even needed another one quite yet) but i quickly asked him if he was sure there weren't any since it said they had some on the web site. to save ass's feelings, i quickly qualified it with 'i guess the site could be wrong, or you could have just sold the last one...' but he got a perplexed look in his eye.
he said, just wait here, i'll check. check what? i thought you knew that the last one was sold? or perhaps you were just telling me what i would hear and get out of the store the fastest. no, not today...ass.
he comes back and tells me they have a couple and that if i'll wait here, he'll get me one. just to show that people want to buy their products, but they're too stupid to stock then, i hang around.
ass goes up a ladder and comes back with a stack of four.
i'm really eating this up now, shit-eating grin and all. in a complete dick move, though almost comical, i ask him 'so how many were up there?'.
'16' he says.
yeah. so when someone tells you that they don't have any, make them check. like every time. whether it's eb, bestbuy, gamestop, or whatever, gamers aren't given much respect. so make sure you ask if it's something you really want. chances are, we assume that they know and care.
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