with that out of the way, i'd like to go a little offbase and inform everyone of a fact that should help understand the guy mentality during the holidays.
all men, if they're over 6 and under...dead, think they are super spies.
really, all men think of themselves are extremely stealthy, bond-esque spies, and at no time is this more obvious than at christmas.
you see, we all believe that we are way more sly than we probably are, and i have a suspicion that our companions (females, if you're of that persuasion) probably know more about what we do than they let on.
we think we're oh-so-sneaky, and we love doing it.
but at christmas, it doesn't hurt anybody. you sneak around the mall, checking behind corners, hiding your receipts and bags. you make little hiding spots in your living space that you both share, and you do everything extremely on the DL.
i don't know the reasoning to this, but it's extremely satisfying to have a scheme succeed. and fooling women is no easy feat. which is why i suspect that we get away with less than we think we do.
at christmas especially, there is no advantage to them finding us out. so no matter how sloppy liars we are, no matter how bad our hiding spots, no matter how lame our excuses, these qualities are endearing, and not just deceptive and cruel.
it's a hilarious combination of one sexes fascination with deception and mystery and the other's probable amusement by the effort.
it's a great effort that is worth it on both sides, but suspect in it's honesty (if that isn't the most confusing way of putting it).
under cover,
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