Wednesday, January 9, 2008


i know this is the second one for today, but sometimes, you just can't resist!

it's just that i have a few more things to mention and they don't really fit anywhere in particular, or even with each other for that matter...

FIRSTED - the king of kong

this movie rocks. if you haven't seen it, find a way to. there are some dubious editing moves, but hey, can't be any worse than michael moore, can it?

i'm sure if you're a gamer, you know the story already. some guy called billy mitchell held the world record for donkey kong (old school arcade version) for like 20 years. this guy was one of the gamers who was around the first time gaming got popular, in 1982 on. he was even photographed for time magazine when the gaming craze was reaching it's first peak, when the only place you could really play games was at an arcade, and arcades were everywhere.

well this guy is still rocking an 80s haircut, is super into himself, and surrounds himself with yes men and people that seem to adore him no matter how stuck up he is.

along comes small town science teacher, steve wiebe (pronounced WEE-BEE), who breaks billy's record and that's when the controversy starts. it's a runaway plot, with deception, clique mentalities and the lot. it's a lot like high school but the nerds who never grew up own the keys to the clubhouse. see it, but take the plot with a grain of salt, and/or take into consideration the reasons the plot has been challenged by some of the people the movie makes look bad.

SECONDER - suicide dude

i claim no credit for this find. my buddy mark was telling me the stuff he was waiting to come in the mail from ebay and mentioned this little guy. i can't decide if it's hilarious, disturbing or hilarious that it's disturbing!

it's at least the cutest little suicide i've ever seen!

but don't you all go out and get one, because i don't think mark would be too chuffed if everyone had it;).

THIRDEDED - midway open ice


why do i have to be a responsible adult? WHY?

while i was looking up ways to be a better christian, i somehow ended up on kijiji, looking up old arcade cabinets. this is the first the second becoming a persitent habit of mine, even though i know that my place has no room for it.

it's the equivalent to nba jam, but with hockey! and FOUR PLAYER!!!!

i also can't afford it, since i now need to buy a 360 to replace the one microsoft wants back.

either way, ain't she a beaut! and at $400, i could maybe afford it, at least until jen kicks me out and i have to pay for a new place;).

begrudgingly growing up...


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