officially, that is.
the console i was so graciously loaned at first is now requested back POSTE HASTE!
no amount of avoiding replying to e-mails and not picking up the phone saved me as a strongly worded e-mail called my bluff and i responded.
i've now got my sights set on the halo 3 branded xbox's that best buy is liquidating as we speak for the same price as the pro model.
why the halo 3 model?

well, not because of a great affinitiy for the brand, but because it isn't another white console (like my wii), it's different looking than most other people's and it comes with a quick charge kit and rechargeable battery for the controller. Those kits cost around $30 or more new, and the whole package is only $399. we'll see if i can get one before they sell out, though.
also finalizing all plans for san francisco and macworld now. looking like it might be a bit cooler than i thought (temperature wise and fun-wise). i was under a great mis-aprehension that every day in san francisco looks like the opening credits for full house. 28 degrees and sunny is reserved for the summer months, and that's just when it's not raining. i was dismayed to find out that it's a lot like vancouver weather (not that i've been there either).
the big disappointment (while not being THAT big a deal) is the pretty much wholly lack of gaming prescence at macworld. CES would have had a number of big names with a few products to see (like soul calibur iv and it's misused star wars licenses *shakes head slowly in depression*).

but maybe steve will come up big with a new product, like the i-rack, or the i-ran i keep hearing about.

thinking golden gate thoughts,
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