a lot of people say there are three main stresses in life (not including children).
- Moving House
- Getting Married
- Changing Jobs
i think they should add maybe one more.
- Helping someone cope with changing jobs
if you haven't guessed already,
jen is going through the top three, and me the top two and my suggested fourth.
we signed our lease monday night, so it's official, we are vacating the basement apartment that has caused us so much grief (mold, leaks, non-sealed windows for prime allergy attacks) but was so cheap, and moving on up to the southside.
it's certainly
not a deluxe apartment in the sky, but it does have a private deck, which is rad. i'm definitely going to be getting my bbq on.
the wedding is coming up at an alarming rate, which really just means, oh shit, that's less than two months away, SNAP!
i'm not fearing it, or even sweating it, it's just odd that it's actually happening, kind of like how both gta iv and metal gear solid iv actually came out this year. bizzaro.
so really, right now, with
jen moving from the cbc to the toronto star, and with a move planned for july 12, and a wedding for august 3rd, things are starting to heat up for us.
just hope everything goes as planned...
sweating the small stuff,